"The Six attitudes of High Achievers"
John R. Noe
1. Make No Small Plans
To "Make no small plans" is to make big plans. but this also means to have a plan. This is what John R. Noe meant when he said to make no small plans. this is one of his "six attitudes of high achievers". I think that when he states this he means to tell every one that they should not think small and should be aiming to be the best that they can be. He might also mean to aim high to end up in a better place. I think that every one has different opinions on how far you can actually go. for example I've known people who believe everyone has a limit to how far they go and that somethings dont change. To this I think they are wrong because just having that thought is aiming to achieve little. They are aiming low so they feel safe and dont feel like they fail.2. do what they fear
the next attitude in "The Six Attitudes of High Achievers" is to do they they fear. This means in order to achieve great thing you need to be able to do what others wont. This is because if you cant do what others wont then you will end up being average. And and you will end up not achieving high. But if you can do what others think they cant then you'll will be able to do more. If they fear it because it is to hard to do then you should do it so that you come out on top. You can do what others fear but you shouldn't do what they fear if it is wrong. so in final words to do what others fear isn't about doing things that are bad, but about doing amazing things that others who dont want to do.
3. Are Willing To Prepare
The third attitude in "the six attitudes of high achievers" is people that are willing to prepare. this means to me that if I want to make it in life then I need to prepare. I think that this is true that you need prepare to make it in life. I think that this is true because all the people that I see make it in life seem to have or are preparing for something. school its self is trying to prepare you, but if you don't accept all the preparation school give you then it will be harder for you to do what to want to do. People who are willing to prepare are going to achieve better things easier.
Attitudes of High Achievers" is to have heart. When he says this he is telling us that we should care for others. This can also means that high achievers are willing to do things for others. For example, like if they were to see someone struggle in math then they would be willing to help them. By doing that they learn to do more and everyone benefits from this. they get help and you learn to teach more. people who are willing to help others are known to be smart, nice, resourceful, and happy. To have a heart is to care for others and to think about how others feel. you have to consider other peoples feelings. To have heart you have to think about how your actions affect other feelings, thoughts, and even their actions back towards you. It is not only about having heart but showing that you have it. You have to be able to show others that you care.
4. Are willing to risk failure
The fourth attitude in "the six attitudes of high achievers" is that they are willing to risk failure. This means that high achievers risk only failure. That they are going to risk failing not achieving this also means that they are not going to do things that will make them not achieve. they will do things that will push them forward. for example if a high achiever's goal was to climb a tall mountain then they will not sit around and eat chips all day. They will risk failure and practice climbing the mountain and they will continue to do that until they accomplish their goal. By doing this they risk failure but they enforce accomplishments. By practicing they only risk failure. and that is what high achievers do. when they do this they are choosing to accomplish their goals. Another example of how a high achiever would do this is if they where to be a writer and they were to be jotting down ideas. this would only make them risk failure.5. Are teachable
the fifth attitude in "The Six Attitudes Of High Achievers" is that they are teachable. I think that this means people that are willing to be taught will be a high achiever. If you are not willing to be taught then you cant achieve greatness. this is because if you cant learn what they teach you then you wont know how to do anything. so if you dont know how to do anything then you can't do jobs that will need hands on guidance. you wont be able to get good grades in classes because you aren't willing to learn. many problems can rise from not being teachable. when you are teachable you can become the best in your classes and be the top student. are because you are willing to be taught you can learn things others dont want to.6. Have heart
The sixth and final attitude in John R. Noe's "The SixAttitudes of High Achievers" is to have heart. When he says this he is telling us that we should care for others. This can also means that high achievers are willing to do things for others. For example, like if they were to see someone struggle in math then they would be willing to help them. By doing that they learn to do more and everyone benefits from this. they get help and you learn to teach more. people who are willing to help others are known to be smart, nice, resourceful, and happy. To have a heart is to care for others and to think about how others feel. you have to consider other peoples feelings. To have heart you have to think about how your actions affect other feelings, thoughts, and even their actions back towards you. It is not only about having heart but showing that you have it. You have to be able to show others that you care.
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