Nine ways to be happy and make something of your life
1. Be Grateful
There are many ways to be grateful but still not many people that I've come across show it or don't even believe they have a reason to be grateful. Here I will explain why and how to find reason to be grateful. To start off being grateful can from many reasons but being grateful doesn't require a big or complicated reason to be it. Being grateful can come from the simplest of reasons like eating, laughing, or even simply breathing. But as time passes we can easily forget to enjoy the small things.And we might forget to appreciate the small things. Being grateful does not require a lot it can be shown in many ways and has no certain correct way of doing it which means that a simple thank you can be enough. Others appreciate if you go out of your way to show them your gratitude. In many situations to be grateful is as simple as saying "I am very grateful for your help".
“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
― Marcel Proust
From now on I will apply this new way to my every day life. I will try to show my gratitude to the people who show me the same. I will try to appreciate the people who help me and greet me.
2. Be Smart
Just as before many people can be smart. But not many people believe it is possible to be smart. I've heard that many people think that they can't change how smart they are. They believe that being smart is something your born with. To this I say they are wrong. Anyone can be smart. Some people do not try to learn or do, they believe that to be smart you do not have to try. For those people who believe this I will tell you now that being smart is not something your born with. It is something that you work for. Being smart is also not about knowledge it is about learning and knowing how to do something. learning and being smart is not a strict journey. There are many ways to learn and to be smart.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin
I will apply this to my every day life by learning in school and at my house. I will strive to learn and try to study as much as I can.
![]() ![]() 3. Be involved in good works
To be involved in good works can mean many things. It can also apply to many situations. Being involved in good works can be as simple as you just helping out the school, maybe the school was planing an event and you volunteer to pick up the trash. You also might help setting up the event. You can do many more things to but as long as your getting involved in something good. Anyone can volunteer and there are many places that ask it. Its only a matter of you finding something you can really help at.
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” ~Elizabeth Andrew 4. Be CleanWith in these nine ways to being happy and making something with your life is being clean. being clean doesn't just apply to your needs. Being clean can also apply to your parent's needs. It can apply to someone around you not only does being clean mean to stay clean but it can also mean to stay away from drugs. it can mean to stay away from people who don't choose the right. Most importantly being clean is for you to choose the right. Being clean is important to live a happy and healthy life.I will apply this to my everyday life by staying away from people who don't have the best intentions for me and to stay away from drugs. 5.Be True
The fifth way in the nine ways to be happy and make something of your life is to be true. Being true is about not lying. Because being true can help you. This way can help you when you have to make a choice between what is wrong and what is right. If you are true then you don't risk lying to people and don't end up hurting peoples feelings. And dont hurt them more in the long run. By dong this way you avoid hurting people and you avoid lying. Most importantly you need to get off the habit of lying. You need to stop your self every time your about to lie. Even though it might seem to be a good choice it is wrong. Sometimes it might seem to be the easy way out. The problem with the easy way out is that you hurt people that is something you dont want to do.
I will apply this to my everyday life by being true and not lying. I will try my best to not cheat.
6.Be Positive
I will implement this into my life by looking at things and think of it in the most positive way.
7. Be Humble
The seventh way in the "nine ways to be happy and make something of your self" is to be humble. when you are humble you appreciate a lot more in life. when you can look at the clothes your wearing and appreciate what your wearing you are humble. when you decide to pay for the gas when your riding along in someones car and you dont mind then you can be humble. when you decide that you dont need something and you donate what ever it is you dont need then you are humble. and if you decide to only have what you need then you are humble. humble people grave only what they need and give to others when they need. if you are humble then you can definitely be happy and make something of you self.
I will apply this to my every day life by being more humble. i can give to other what I dont need so they to can learn to be humble.
8.Be Still
The eighth way in the "nine ways to be happy and make something of your life" is to be still. when you are still you can look back and reflect on what you have done. when you are still you can look around you and really look at all the details in the world. if you are still then you can do all of this things. but if you are not still and always moving then sometimes that can tire you out very quickly. being still is the key to being humble so you can think about your actions and think about what you can do next. being still can help you process you situation so you dont end up regretting your actions. being still can help the people around you to, it helps when they see you being still and they can do the same.
i will apply this to my everyday life by being still and reflecting on things that i do.
9.Be Prayerful
"there they are, nine be's which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. they will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. they will save you from heartache and pain. they will bring purpose into your life and give energies. They will bring you friends of your own kind. they will protect you from associations that will pull you down and deflect you from your course. this is a time to be happy. this is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best life has to offer. what i have tried to put forth.... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. the world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness- things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires. if today you find your self only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better. At railroad grade crossing, signs of warning were once common. two cross arms were emblazoned with words, "stop, look, listen." they meant that a train could be roaring down a track and you better be alert. I was riding a train Midwest years ago. i looked out the window to my left. a road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train .the car moved until i could no longer see it. suddenly, the local motive |